Center for Machine Perception Research Directions

Dmytro Mishkin
2 min readOct 7, 2017


CMP is a computer vision and machine learning unit at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

We have several groups, which I am going to briefly describe. I mention both current and former CMP people to give a full overview.

Jiri Matas Visual recognition group

  1. Visual object tracking. Group has hosted VOT competition since 2013.
    Tomáš Vojíř, Zdenel Kalal, Matěj Šmíd, Jan Šochman, Denys Rozumnyi
    TLD algorithm belongs here.
  2. Text recognition in wild. Lukáš Neumann, Michal Busta
    FASText alg.
  3. Image retrieval sub-group, lead by Ondra Chum
    Michal Perdoch, Giorgos Tolias, Filip Radenovic, Andrej Mikulik, Arun Mukundan.
    More then half of seminal papers in the image retrieval subject are authored or co-authored by members of this group.
  4. RANSAC and statistics.
    Karel Lebeda, Jana Noskova, Ondra Chum, Michal Perdoch
  5. Two view matching and local features.
    Dmytro Mishkin (me :), Javier Aldana-Iuit, Arun Mukundan.
    WxBS-MODS — state of art two-view matcher, HardNet local descriptor
  6. Single view geometry
    James Pritts.
    Image rectification based on repeated patterns.
  7. Textureless objects recognition and 6d pose estimation.
    Tomaš Hodaň, Štěpán Obdržálek,
  8. Automotive research.
    Jan Šochman, Oleksandr Shekhovtsov,
    Optical flow, motion segmentation, object detection
  9. Others areas: CNN architectures, plant and texture recognition, etc.
    Dmytro Mishkin, Milan Šulc
    LSUV initialization

Boris Flach Machine learning group

  1. Probabilistic Graphical Models and Deep Learning
    Boris Flach, Oleksandr Shekhovtsov,
  2. Discrete optimization, constraint satisfaction, finite state automata, 2D grammars.
    Tomas Werner, Daniel Průša
  3. Structured SVM + CNN. Also their applications for facial landmarks detection, age and gender recognition, spam detection
    Michal Uřičář, Vojtěch Franc

Jan Kybic Biomedical Imaging Algorithms

  1. Geometric graph matching
    Miguel Amável Pinheiro.
  2. Microscopy image analysis
    Jan Svihlik
    , Miguel Amável Pinheiro.
  3. Detection in CT and ultrasound images
    Jan Hering,
  4. Non-rigid medical images registration and segmentation
    Jiří Borovec.

Tomáš Svoboda Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems

  1. Stereo matching, 3d reconstruction
    Radim Šára
  2. Active 3D Mapping, robot planning and control
    Karel Zimmerman, Matej Hoffmann

3D-geometry and algebra

Minimal solvers, camera pose.
Tomas Pajdla, Zuzana Kukelova

This page is work in progress, I am going add more people and details. Unfortunately, I am not fully aware about all on-going research, so data is not complete.



Dmytro Mishkin
Dmytro Mishkin

Written by Dmytro Mishkin

Computer Vision researcher and consultant. Co-founder of Ukrainian Research group “Szkocka”.

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