Center for Machine Perception Research Directions
2 min readOct 7, 2017
CMP is a computer vision and machine learning unit at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
We have several groups, which I am going to briefly describe. I mention both current and former CMP people to give a full overview.
Jiri Matas Visual recognition group
- Visual object tracking. Group has hosted VOT competition since 2013.
Tomáš Vojíř, Zdenel Kalal, Matěj Šmíd, Jan Šochman, Denys Rozumnyi
TLD algorithm belongs here. - Text recognition in wild. Lukáš Neumann, Michal Busta
FASText alg. - Image retrieval sub-group, lead by Ondra Chum
Michal Perdoch, Giorgos Tolias, Filip Radenovic, Andrej Mikulik, Arun Mukundan.
More then half of seminal papers in the image retrieval subject are authored or co-authored by members of this group. - RANSAC and statistics.
Karel Lebeda, Jana Noskova, Ondra Chum, Michal Perdoch
LO-RANSAC, DEGENSAC, USAC, etc. - Two view matching and local features.
Dmytro Mishkin (me :), Javier Aldana-Iuit, Arun Mukundan.
WxBS-MODS — state of art two-view matcher, HardNet local descriptor - Single view geometry
James Pritts.
Image rectification based on repeated patterns. - Textureless objects recognition and 6d pose estimation.
Tomaš Hodaň, Štěpán Obdržálek, - Automotive research.
Jan Šochman, Oleksandr Shekhovtsov,
Optical flow, motion segmentation, object detection - Others areas: CNN architectures, plant and texture recognition, etc.
Dmytro Mishkin, Milan Šulc
LSUV initialization
Boris Flach Machine learning group
- Probabilistic Graphical Models and Deep Learning
Boris Flach, Oleksandr Shekhovtsov, - Discrete optimization, constraint satisfaction, finite state automata, 2D grammars.
Tomas Werner, Daniel Průša - Structured SVM + CNN. Also their applications for facial landmarks detection, age and gender recognition, spam detection
Michal Uřičář, Vojtěch Franc
Jan Kybic Biomedical Imaging Algorithms
- Geometric graph matching
Miguel Amável Pinheiro. - Microscopy image analysis
Jan Svihlik, Miguel Amável Pinheiro. - Detection in CT and ultrasound images
Jan Hering, - Non-rigid medical images registration and segmentation
Jiří Borovec.
Tomáš Svoboda Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Stereo matching, 3d reconstruction
Radim Šára - Active 3D Mapping, robot planning and control
Karel Zimmerman, Matej Hoffmann
3D-geometry and algebra
Minimal solvers, camera pose.
Tomas Pajdla, Zuzana Kukelova
This page is work in progress, I am going add more people and details. Unfortunately, I am not fully aware about all on-going research, so data is not complete.