What if artists write CVPR papers?
Malevich: Unreasonable Effectiveness of 100% Dropout
Mondrian: Boosting Algorithms Simplified
Seuratt: Is human vision robust to blur and pixel shuffle?
Varholl: Re-colorization Augmenation for CNN training.
John Cage: All you need is silence.
da Vinci: Mono smile: Novel approach to steganography
Rubens: You don’t need weight decay for your models.
Dali: Deformable convolutions for time warping
Pollock: №5: Procedural approach for texture generation.
Coolidge: Dogs Playing Poker: Context-independent action recognition
Vereshchagin: On CVPR Acceptance Rate
Magritte: Reproducible research in ML: mission impossible?
van Gogh: Neural Style Transfer Begins
Banksy: Self-Normalizing Neural Networks
Esher: Step learning rate schedule revisited
© Dmytro Mishkin & Anastasiia Mishchuk